Art, Culture, Spirituality

A movie review and something a little poetic about some of our brothers on this planet of ours

  • The Meaning of Dreamtime

    This was written for my karaoke business. I chose an Australian Aboriginal theme. It explains their concept of dreamtime, and relates that to the experience of karaoke.


     In the mythology of the Australian Aborigine, Dreamtime signifies the consciousness of the gods in the act of creation.  All the forms of the Earth, the land, the plants, the animals, the water, the sky and clouds, were fashioned by the gods from nothingness by the act of divine dreaming.  Reality is a dream.  By sharing in the dream consciousness of the gods we humans perceive Reality.  Out of dreams come Reality.  From dreams we become one with the Truth.

     Music is Dreamtime.  Every song is a different dream, a distinct, powerful universe of feeling, thought, emotion, will.  In karaoke we enter Dreamtime.  We lose ourselves and achieve ecstatic union with that dream that is the song.

     So, for tonight, enter Dreamtime.  Forget your fears and let the mystic, harmonic vibrations we call song transport you to another, more perfect world of hope, love, tragedy, redemption.

     Sing the passion.  Sing the Truth.  Sing the Dream.

     Karaoke Bill

    Dreamtime, karoake, Aborigine, Australia
    The Meaning of Dreamtime
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